Happy Birthday DTFS
Day: August 11, 2022
It was 20 years ago today, on 2 August 2002 that we founded the Czech-German Football Academy in the presence of the German and Czech sports ministers Otto Schily, Petra Buzková, the member of the Bundestag Petra Ernstberger and many more guests. We are very happy that the small “pilot project” from these times could keep on growing and developing over all those years finding more and more friends. Today we want to say thank you: Danke schön & děkujeme moc – to everyone in the DTFS team, to all sponsors, partners, friends, to the many children and young footballers, clubs and coaches for their trust. Thank you for supporting us for so long. If it would not be you, we could never have been able to make this way so far – you are great! A small birthday celebration is planned for 11 September with a little Czech-German football tournament in Rehau (what else).