Euregio Egrensis and EU are supporting projects
EU and Euregio Egrensis will support in 2021 two DTFS projects. The project “Restart im deutsch-tschechischen Jugendfußball / Restart v česko-německém mládežnickém fotbale” will help during the restart in youth football after the pandemic and bring together youth football teams from both countries at games and camps. The project will invite both boys and girls. The project “1+1 = 3 – deutsch-tschechische Fußballcamps für Jungs / 1+1 = 3 – česko-německá fotbalová soustředění pro chlapce” will see DTFS working together with SpVgg Bayreuth and Slavia Karlovy Vary to develop a club cooperation and joint training camps. The projects are funded by Euregio Egrensis and European Union from the European fund for regional development (Ziel ETZ Freistaat Bayern – Tschechische Republik 2014-2020 (INTERREG V).